Territories of life, also known in some contexts as ICCAs (TICCA in Spanish; APAC in French), are territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities. They are as diverse as the peoples and communities who shape and sustain them through their unique cultures, governance systems and practices.

Read more about ICCAs–territories of life in the ‘meanings and more‘ dictionary of key concepts.

Teaser – ICCAs and the ICCA Consortium – Conserving territories of life. Video 1:20 min.

The ICCA Consortium is a global non-profit association dedicated to supporting Indigenous peoples and local communities who are governing and conserving their lands, waters and territories. Its membership in more than 80 countries is undertaking collective actions at the local, national, regional and international levels across several thematic streams, including documenting, sustaining and defending territories of life, as well as youth and intergenerational relations. As of May 2021, the association includes nearly 180 Members (Indigenous peoples’ and community-based organisations and their supporting civil society organisations) and more than 420 Honorary members (individuals).

10 years of the ICCA Consortium / Los 10 años del Consorcio TICCA / Les 10 ans du Consortium APAC. Video 14:30 min., ICCA Consortium, 2020 (subtitles in EN, ES and FR).